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On May 4th, Poteet ISD voters will have the opportunity to vote on a bond package that addresses current capacity issues and future growth, CTE needs, safety updates, priority maintenance, and infrastructure updates.

How were these projects chosen? 

The Bond Steering Committee made up of parents, staff, and community members, assisted the district in assessing and prioritizing current and long-term facility requirements.

Members of the committee met over several months to study a facility assessment, district finances and tax impact scenarios, demographics and student enrollment growth, results from a community survey, and project costs. Learn more about the Bond Steering Committee here

After presenting their recommendation to the Poteet ISD Board of Trustees, the board voted to hold a May 4, 2024, bond election.


Whats Proposed: 
Proposition A- Bond Package
  • New classrooms and support spaces
  • Multipurpose media center
  • New culinary lab and classroom

  • Renovating and expanding an existing gymnasium and cafeteria

  • Campus safety upgrades & renovations

  • Priority maintenance

  • Partial HVAC equipment replacement

  • Storm and sanitary infrastructure improvements

The total bond proposal is $65,000,000. The estimated tax impact on property owners is .038-cent per $100 valuation. For the average PISD homeowner, a .038-cent tax increase is $4.78/month. Click here for more Tax Info

Projects by Campus