1. What is a bond election?
Just as homeowners borrow money in the form of a mortgage to finance the purchase of a home, a school district borrows money in the form of bonds to finance construction, renovation and other capital projects. Both are repaid over time, but in order for a school district to issue bonds, it must go to the voters for approval.
2. How can bond funds be used?
Bond funds can be used to pay for new buildings, additions and renovations to existing facilities, land acquisition, technology infrastructure and equipment for new or existing buildings. Bonds cannot be used for salaries or operating costs such as utility bills, supplies, building maintenance, fuel and insurance.
3. Exactly how much is the proposed bond package?
The Board of Trustees called a bond election in the amount of $65,000,000 to be brought before voters on May 4, 2024.
4. How was the bond package developed?
The Bond Steering Committee made up of parents, staff, and community members, assisted the district in assessing and prioritizing current and long-term facility needs.
Members of the committee met over several months to study a facility assessment, district finances and tax impact scenarios, demographics and student enrollment growth, results from a community survey, and project costs. Learn more about the Bond Steering Committee here.
After presenting their recommendation to the Poteet ISD Board of Trustees, the board voted to hold a May 4th 2024, bond election.
1. How will the proposed bond election affect my taxes?
It is estimated the district’s tax rate would increase from $1.2039
to $1.2422 after all bonds are sold by Poteet ISD – an increase of 3.8 cents per $100 of property value.
That equates to a $4.78 monthly or $57.41 annual increase on a home valued at $150,000
2. What if I am over 65 years old? Will my taxes go up if the bond is successful?
No. If you have applied for and received the Age 65 Freeze on your homestead, by law, your school taxes on your homestead cannot be raised above their frozen level, unless significant improvements have been made to the home.
3. What if I am over 65 years old and receive the “Senior Citizen Exemption” and my home value goes up, will my taxes increase?
The appraised value can change and the tax rate will change, but the amount of school taxes on your homestead cannot increase. Normal repairs, maintenance and the economic impact of the market cannot increase the amount of taxes you will pay once a tax ceiling is in place on that homestead. Therefore, if this bond election is successful, it will not have an impact on the tax bill for homesteads that are receiving the senior citizen exemption, unless you make significant improvements to your home.
1. Who is eligible to vote in this election?
2. What is the deadline to register to vote in this election?
Deadline to register to vote in this election is Thursday, April 4.
3. When can I vote?
Poteet ISD residents will have the opportunity to vote on the bond propositions during early voting, April 22 – April 30 or on Election Day, Saturday, May 4.