Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grant Programs
ESSER grant funding is authorized in three pieces of legislation. As a result, the ESSER programs are administered by TEA as separate grant programs. An ESSER side-by-side is under development. The ESSER I, CRRSA ESSER II, and ARP ESSER III grant programs run concurrently. During the overlap in periods of availability, grantees may expend funds from any of the grant programs.
- Esser III ARP Public Notice
- Esser III Public Hearing
- Esser III Use of Funds PLans for 21-24
- Plan De uso de fondos ESSER III 21-24
- ESSER III Stakeholder Meeting
- ESSER III Student Stakeholder Meeting
- Poteet ISD ESSER III Stakeholder Survey
- Poteet ISD ESSER III Student Stakeholder Survey
- Poteet ISD Public Meeting Minutes