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General Information

The Department of Special Education is committed to meeting the individual students’ needs through communication and collaboration among general education staff and special education staff and parents. An array of instructional services is provided which allows learning in an environment that is most appropriate and least restrictive.

Students who qualify for special education are children, ages 3 through 21, with disabilities such as:

AI: Auditorially Impd
AU: Autismaire
DB: Deaf-Blind
ED: Emotionally Disturbed
ID:  Intellectual Disability
LD: Learning Disability
MD: Multiple Disabilities
NC: Non-Categorical (PPCD)
OHI: Other Health Impaired
OI: Orthopedically Impaired
SI: Speech Impaired
TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury
VI: Visually Impaired

Finding the appropriate program for a student in Special Education is a child-centered process. This assures placing students in the educational program which will afford each one the best educational opportunities.

When a child appears to need special education services, a school referral committee (composed of teachers, parents and the principal) meets to consider the best ways to address the student’s needs. The committee may recommend an assessment by a licensed psychologists, associate school psychologists and/or educational diagnosticians. Referred students are tested to determine their educational needs. Testing helps the school staff and parents make the best possible educational plan for the students.

Should a child be found to have a disability, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed by the Admissions, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee at the child’s campus. When the IEP is complete, Poteet ISD staff will carry out the IEP in the regular classroom or in other parts of the special education continuum of services.

If you are in need of additional information, please contact the Special Programs and Student Support Services Office at (830)276-8767 or your child’s principal or counselor.

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Live Chat:

First page of the PDF file: ISD_CF
First page of the PDF file: ISD_CF_Span