Pathways in Technology Early College High School
P-TECH Enrollment Application P-TECH Network & Cloud AAS Crosswalk
What is a P-TECH?
P-TECH stands for Pathways in Technology Early College High School. This program allows students to receive both a high school diploma and a credential and/or an associate degree. The hallmark of the P -TECH model is its career focus and the provision of work -based education.
P-Tech at Poteet High School
Poteet High School in partnership with Palo Alto College offer s students concurrent enrollment for this program. There is no cost to the students; Poteet ISD pays for tuition, textbooks, and instructional fees. Upon successful completion of the program, students are able to participate in both Poteet High School’s and Palo Alto College’s graduation ceremonies.
Click here for the full P-TECH Newsletter
College has Begun!
This January, our P-TECH students began taking their first college courses! They are currently taking Music Appreciation and Intro to Hardware and Software. Every Wednesday, they head to Palo Alto College to attend their hands-on computer lab where they are currently learning how to build their own computers! The students are loving their professor and the content they are learning about!
Next school year, our students' classload will be doubling with the students taking even more hands on classes! They will be enrolled in: Public Speaking, Foundations of Networking Technology, Linux Installation and Configuration, and Foundations in Cybersecurity.
The application cycle for our 2028 P-TECH Cohort has closed. The students who applied will be notified of application decisions by the end of the month!
We are excited to grow our program and see our students working towards their goals!
In an effort to expand the educational opportunities for students, Poteet ISO Career and Technical Education (CTE) Coordinator Jeff Kennedy met with Atascosa County IT Manager Justin Vasquez to discuss possible upcoming projects for the high school. The program they discussed would offer computer science students another opportunity to gain certification and learn more about the career field. Vasquez approached the stand at Monday's Commissioners Court meeting to explain the purpose and the goals in mind.
"This program will allow me to help assist them in their program for networking and cloud computing," Vasquez said. "It will also allow me to bring on student interns if the opportunity arises. They can shadow me and get on-the-job training in this process of the certification."
Poteet currently offers programs for students to obtain certification for cosmetology, welding, and other various professions. As stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or agreement, PISO and Atascosa County are "collaborating with the implementation of P-TECH with a Network and Cloud Computing focus at Poteet High School." The agenda item was met with unanimous approval following a motion from Commissioner Mark Gillespie and a second from Commissioner Kennard Riley.
The MOU is effective until June 15, 2024, and can be extended by mutual agreement. The Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) courses are implemented through Palo Alto College. Vasquez will serve as the local advocate for Poteet ISO. "I had a discussion with [Vasquez] a little while ago and I'm all for it, so I'll make the motion to approve," Gillespie said.
Kennedy said he anticipates students to begin taking computer-related courses within the next two years under the program.
"We don't have a good way for our computer kids to obtain their licensing. So we're going to try this P-TECH program," Kennedy said. "We're looking at probably 10 to 12 kids that will be going through this program, and they'll get those licenses or certifications. It's going to open up the door for them to be able to do more computer networking and things like that."
-Cade Andrews
Pleasanton Express Staff Reporter
Poteet High School and Palo Alto College will be offering a Network and Cloud Computing pathway.
This P -TECH pathway focuses on information technology and networking. Students have the potential to earn 60 college credit hours through this program. The variety of classes that students will take for this program can prepare them for various certifications they could potentially acquire.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects much faster than average growth and excellent job prospects for Network Administrators.
Students who pursue this degree will have a wide variety of job opportunities in the information technology and networking industries, such as health care, financial services, education, entertainment, and more. Students also have career opportunities such as Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Network Installer, Network Technician, Help Desk Technician, and much more.