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Jeanette Roca

My name is Mrs. Roca! I am the Kindergarten dual language teacher at Poteet Elementary. This is my first year teaching but prior to this, I taught as a Pre-K Aide in an English as a Second Language classroom. 
I was raised and graduated from Poteet ISD. Fast-forward in time, I got married and became a mother to four handsome boys. After so many years of being a housewife and active volunteer inthe district, I decided it was time to pursue my lifelong dream. I enrolled and attended Grand
Canyon University - Online from Phoenix, Arizona and obtained my BA in Science of Education with emphasis on English as a Second Language. I graduated from GCU in April of 2022 and am
now overly thrilled to be part of this district and make a difference in the lives of little human beings who have so much to offer the world. 
I whole-heartedly believe that all students are capable of learning. It is a matter of getting to know each student as an individual, getting to know their strengths and areas of opportunity, creating close relationships with each student, and setting great and achievable goals. I look
forward to making memories, achieving goals, and making a difference in the lives of the students that come into my classroom.










7:30 - 7:50 - Breakfast/Desayuno
7:50 - 8:10 - Morning Meeting/Junta de la Mañana
8:10 - 10:00 - SLAR
                      Interactive Read Aloud (IRA)/Lectura Interactiva en alta voz
                      Shared Reading (SR)/Lectura Compartida
                      Guided Reading and Centers/Lectura Guiada y Centros
10:00 - 10:30 - ELD (English Language Development)
                      Interactive Read Aloud (IRA)/Lectura Interactiva en alta voz
                      Shared Reading (SR)/Lectura Compartida
10:30 - 11:00 - Lunch/Almuerzo
11:00 - 11:10 - Bathroom Break/Descanso para el baño
11:10 - 1:00 - Math/Matematicas
1:00 - 1:55 - Specials and Conference time/Especiales y Conferencia
(P.E/Library/Art/Computer lab)
1:55 - 2:20 - Recess/Recreo
2:20 - 2:30 - Bathroom Break/ Descanso para el bano
2:30 - 2:45 - Snack/Merienda
2:45 - 3:00 - Pack up and Dismissals/Empacar y Despedida