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Dr.Mary Carrasco

Dual Language 3rd Grade Daily Schedule
Dr. Mary E. Carrasco
8:00-8:30- M-Th- Computer Lab (Reading & Math)
8:00-8:30- Fri.- Morning Work and Reading Interventions
8:30-9:00- ELD (English Language Development)
Shared Reading-lectura compartida/phonics-fónica/Fluency-fluidez
9:00-10:30-SLAR (IRA, SR,fónica),Guided Reading/Centers-lectura guiada-centros
11:00-11:30-Science-ciencias/Social Studies-Estudios
Sociales (integrate Sci/SS and Writing)
12:30-12:40-Walk back from Lunch/Bathroom Break
12:40-1:50- Math-matemáticas
1:50-2:00- Clean up and walk to Specials (P.E./Library/Art/computer lab)
2:00-2:55- Specials/conference-conferencia
3:00-3:20- Buddy/Independent Reading-lectura independiente o con un amigo
3:20-3:30- Pack up and be outside for dismissal-limpiar y empacar para ir a la casa.

Meet The Teacher


Hello and welcome to third grade. I am so excited about this
new school year and about having you in my classroom. We are
going to learn a lot and have fun while we learn.

About Me

My name is Dr. Mary Carrasco and this is going to be my 38 th
year teaching. I have taught kindergarten, first grade, and
now third grade. I am married to my husband David Carrasco,
Jr. and we have one son and two daughters. We also have one
granddaughter and three grandsons. My favorite things to do
are bake, dance, and travel. My favorite place to visit is
Disney World in Florida. I collect elephants with their trunk
pointing up for good luck. My favorite color is purple and lime
green. I love teaching because I get to work with some
amazing and special children throughout the school year.

Contact Information
School email:
School phone number: (830) 742-3697

Conocer la maestra


Hola y bienvenido al tercer grado. Estoy muy emocionado por
este nuevo año escolar y por tenerte en mi salón de classes.
Vamos a aprender mucho y divertimos mientras aprendemos.

Sobre mí

Mi nombre es Dra. Mary Carrasco y este es mi año 38 de
enseñanza. He ensenado Jardin de infantes, primer grado y
ahora tercer grado. Estoy casada y tengo un hijo y dos hijas.
Tengo una nieta y tres nietos. Mis actividades favoritas son
hornear, bailar y viajar. Mi lugar favorito para visitor es Disney
World. Colecciono elefantes con su trompa apuntando hacia
arriba para tener buena suerte. Mi color favorito es morado. Me
encanta enseñar porque puedo trabajar con algunos niños
increíbles y especiales durante todo el año.
Información del contacto

dirección de correo electrónico:
número de teléfono de la escuela: 830-742-3697

Education: I graduated from Floresville High school at the age of 16 and went straight to college. I attended San Antonio College (SAC) where I received my associates degree. I then transferred to The University of Texas at San Antonio where I majored in Elementary Education with certifications in Early Childhood Education and Bilingual Education. Later, I attended Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio where I earned my Master’s Degree in Curriculum instruction and a certification as a Master Reading Specialist. In 2016, I earned my Doctoral Degree in Teacher Leadership and Skills from Walden University. I am a member of the Texas Retired Teachers Association. I am a member of the musical club and a member of the Altar Society for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. I am also an active member of the Mighty Tiger Band Boosters.

Some of my accomplishments were working with my previous Dual Language team to coordinate curriculum nights for our dual language parents. We did math nights and reading nights each month. At the end of the year we did a Dual Language showcase to display our students work as well as have our students perform in English and in Spanish to show their growth throughout the year. I was lead kindergarten teacher for 27 years and lead first grade teacher for 7 years. I was in charge of curriculum meetings, field trips, as well as relaying messages from the Principal to my team. I was also an Instructional Facilitator (IF) and my duties included attending IF meetings, data related meetings, and doing 10 observations per 9 weeks. I would go into all the grade levels Pre-K to 5th grade to observe the teacher and students. The goal was to see if the objectives were posted, the teacher was in the teaching zone, and that the students understood what they were doing (could state the objectives in their own words).

My philosophy is to provide a safe and encouraging environment where students are invited to share their ideas, take risks, and are successful. I want them to know that making a mistake is not bad, that making mistakes and learning from them help us grow and become better problem solvers.